Questions about Julie’s Teaching Seminars

All Healing Seminars will be listed in the itinerary page on this website as soon as information becomes available.

We offer more Healing Meetings than Healing Seminars because that is what hosting churches ask us to do and there is a greater demand from people needing healing prayer than from people who want to learn about healing.  Often we return to many of the same churches each year that have hosted Healing Seminars in the past few years and so they do not want us to present another Seminar so soon as most of the people in their church who are interested in learning more about healing have attending a seminar recently.  Books, CDs and DVDs about our teaching on healing in Jesus’ name are available through our website store.

No, there is no need to pre-register for a seminar unless it is stated on the itinerary. However, it may be helpful for the hosting church to know how many are coming, so you can give them a call in advance if you prefer.

  • Did you know that God doesn’t always heal people instantly? The seminar will teach you the different ways that God heals.
  • Do you know what the blockages are to receiving healing? The seminar will teach you what the main barriers are and how to deal with them.
  • Did you know that people can lose their healing? Come to the seminar and learn how to keep your healing.
  • Do you know how to pray for the sick?

Ministers, church leaders, prayer teams, those who want to learn more about healing, those who are seeking healing and those who would like to pray for the sick, as well as the curious and sceptics, will all be enriched and encouraged by Julie’s teaching and ministry.

For most seminars, there is no need to book. There is a small cost to attend the teaching seminar to support John and Julie’s ministry. Details can be found on Julie’s itinerary.

Bring a pen and paper for note taking. Refreshments will be provided by the hosting church.